Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mama Lavona's Astrology: Capricorn

Hello, gentle readers! As we near the new year, we present knowledge about the strong and solid Capricorn!

Capricorns are down to Earth in every sense of the word. You little one will be very determined, (s)he does not give up! This will be a valuable quality as an adult. Capricorns build strong foundations brick by brick. This steadfast approach will be their key to success. This also makes your little one a natural in the garden. (S)he will experience great satisfaction cultivating plants. Try working on a little terrarium together! Capricorns have a deeply ingrained sense of responsibility, especially where family is concerned. Even as babies they seem like old souls. They have deep respect for traditions and customs and will love preparing for the holidays and attending family gatherings

Birthstone: Garnet, Emerald Essential Oil: Sandalwood, Cedar
Great Gift Ideas: Cool Building blocks, Tool Kits, Gardening kits, Knitting kits, a Piggy Bank, Stocks and bonds
Check out Mama Lavona's blog, Cabinet of Curiosities!
B-day reminder: Capricorn's Birthday's right around the corner! Get Great Gifts for your Capricorn kids now!

1 comment:

  1. You've been tagged Marlo!


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