Tony Tasset's behemoth Blob Monster will delight every child who dreams in melty crayons! Made of poured colored resin, metal, wire mesh and paint, viewing this multi-colored monster is sure to kick your Halloween season off right!
Hubbard and Racine. For more info, visit the Kavi Gupta gallery.

Now, normally, we would not say that taking your four-year-old to see the door of a marketing and design firm would be The. Best. Day. Ever. In this case, since the door is a giant monster door, and the giant monster door belongs to cool peeps who are toy innovators, it will be. And you don't have to take my word for it - see the Young At Heart gentlemen to the left for proof!
21 S. Racine. For more info on Big Monster Toys and their giant door, visit bmttoys.com

It's a bird! It's a plane? It's a giant eyeball made of painted fiberglass! Tony Tassett has made the list twice because you won't be able to take your eyes off his larger-than-life sculpture!
Pritzker Park. For more information on EYE or other exhibits, visit the Kavi Gupta gallery.

Need a monster bonus for your older kids? Take them to the newly relocated OhNoDoom Gallery in Wicker Park to view the Monsters vs. Robots exhibit and find out who's the winner of that age-old battle once and for all.
1800 N. Milwaukee Ave. For more information about the exhibit, visit OhNoDoom. More fun monsters are also available to view, courtesy of Justin Parpan, who created the cool piece you see on the left (and also works at jibjab, which scores him points in out book.)
images courtesy of the Kavi Gupta Gallery and Justin Parpan
posted by Kristina
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